Prophecy of jesus in the book of ezekiel

Christianity believes that ezekiels temple is more glorious than the tabernacle of moses exodus 2540 and the temple of solomon 1 kings 58, pointing forward to several beliefs. Although the prophets concentrated mainly on israeljudah, all of them were very conscious that god was lord of the whole world. In his earnest studies of biblical prophecy back in the 1600s, sir isaac newton wrote that it was foretold in all ye prophets 2. The prophet ezekiel is the author of the book of ezekiel.

Josephus claims that nebuchadnezzar of babylonias armies exiled three thousand jews from judah, after deposing king jehoiakim in 598 bce. A commentary on the book of ezekiel southside christian. Ezekiel bible prophecy and world war iii many people will simply yawn and ignore these bible prophecies and the headlines we are now seeing. Come back and, if you appreciate the website, please tell your friends. Flesh and skin then appeared upon them, but no life was in them. Jesus was nailed, sitting on the sedulum of the cross between two thieves with a crown of thorns on his head. The new testament frequently cites jewish scripture to support the claim of the early christians that jesus was the promised jewish messiah, but only a handful of these citations are actual predictions in their original contexts. The children of israel, who are gathered from the nations, and become a nation again, will live victoriously in the center of the earth. There is no room for the book of mormon in ezek 37.

What is the significance of the eastern gate of jerusalem. Ezekiel in the picture study bible the book of ezekiel. Next we will look at our fourth in a series of four prophecies of the messiah. Although it is not quoted or cited directly by any of the writers of the christian greek scriptures, allusions to some of its statements and similar expressions are, nevertheless, frequent. The book of ezekiel, also called the prophecy of ezechiel, one of the major prophetical books of the old testament. The name ezekiel comes from the hebrew name yehezkel meaning, god will strengthen. Block, new international commentary on the old testament nicot, eerdmans, 19971998, 1,757 pp. An explanation of bible prophecy found in the book of ezekiel. The book of ezekiel biblical prophecy explained by larry wilson. Besides clarity of structure, the book of ezekiel reveals symmetry. Reading and meditating on those prophecies teaches us that our beloved king, jesus christ, deserves our trust, has the legal right to. The first prophecy deals with the vision of the dry bone vs. That cataclysmic event marks the center of his prophecy and the turning point of the book. We look forward to this study in which we can fully enjoy ezekiels prophecies dealing with our times and even reaching forward into the.

The latter part of the chapter shows them bearing what is apparently a portable throne of god 1. The book of ezekiel demonstrates the importance of understanding what god wanted to do versus what god had to do because of israels apostasy. Ezekiel s commission in vision, the prophet saw the cherubim, who had the likeness of a man v. Angels antichrist apologetics apostasy in the church archaeology armageddon bible book of daniel book of revelation church and ecclesiology conferences creation versus evolution cults death end times eschatology eternity evangelism false prophets god gogmagog war heaven hope interpretation of scriptures islam israel jesus jewish people. According to the book itself, it records six visions of the prophet ezekiel, exiled in babylon, during the 22 years from 593 to 571 bc, although it is the product of a long and complex history and does not necessarily preserve the very. In this vision,7 which he saw in the year 3332 429 bce while standing on the banks of the chebar river,8 ezekiel describes in vivid detail g. Ezekiel then spends the rest of his prophecies in telling about the restoration of israel in the future. Ezekiels commission would last for some 22 years and involve some challenging assignments. His life and actions became a sign or a living prophecy to the people. The ezekiel presented in the prophecy never existed, but was a fiction invented by the priestly editors of the book. The most recent contribution i have read regarding these chapters is that of astour 1976, who asserts ezekiel s authorship of this prophecy. After reading this book and dr gaebeleins book, not to mention reading each chapter of ezekiel dozens of times, and dr, mcgees thru the bible tapes, i finally at least scratched the surface of this magnificent book ezekiel. The spirit of god put the prophet in a valley that was full of dry bones.

God inspires ezekiel to record four prophecies about the messiah, the future ruler and shepherd, who will permanently restore pure worship and tenderly care. Ezekiel ministered to his generation who were both exceedingly sinful and thoroughly hopeless. His book in the old testament has 47 chapters, split into two major themes. The first invasion was in 607 bc and daniel was taken as a captive to babylon. The prophecies of ezekiel teachinghearts prophecy and bible. Ezekiel is written from the point of view of the people of god. The authenticity of the book of ezekiel is supported by its harmony with the other books of the bible. Ezekiel is quickly becoming the most popular biblical prophet of our time. Ezekiel promises that a new king will come to reunify one people under a new covenant by the transforming power of the spirit. Sep 12, 2019 in the chapter, the prophet ezekiel is led by god into a valley filled with bones. And the second prophecy deals with the one kingdom which is a symbolic act forecasting the future union of israel and judah vs. The prophet ezekiel, who wrote his prophecy in babylon about the same time, mentioned three biblical figures in a row as men of righteousness, noah, daniel. We will study the short book of malachi, yet another rich source of messianic prophecy. In this vision ezekiel saw four brilliant, powerful angels in action.

Writing from a firstperson perspective, ezekiel recorded the visions and revelations he received from the lord. For instance, the crucifixion of jesus was foretold in psalm 22. In the congregation book studies, starting november 1, 1971. With this positive prophecy, the people will not listen to ezekiel s prophecies of doom.

These awesome descriptions probably convince many readers that ezekiel is a book we cant really understand. The book of ezekiel predicted a glorious future for israel if they had cooperated with god. He sometimes symbolically acted out his prophecies. A prophecy from the book of ezekiel is being fulfilled in the people of israel when they see the flourishing of the dead sea coast. The prophet ezekiel is one of four major prophets along with isaiah, jeremiah, and daniel in hebrew scripture, our old testament of the bible.

He prophesied in the decades before and after the fall of jerusalem and the destruction of the temple. Bible prophecy 11 prophecies of jesus and the end times. This restoration would take place beginning when many of the jews returned to palestine under ezra, nehemiah, and zerubbabel and the temple was rebuilt. Apr 22, 2018 that cataclysmic event marks the center of his prophecy and the turning point of the book. The book of ezekiel is the fourth of the five books of the major prophets in the old testament. The reestablishment of israel in 1948 was a fulfilment of prophecy, and not just one or two prophecies either. Ezekiels dry bones prophecy about israel coming back to life.

What do the dry bones symbolize, whats the historical context of this vision, and why does this matter for us now. According to dates given in the text, ezekiel received his prophetic call in the fifth year of the first deportation to babylonia 592 bc and was active until about 570 bc. Ezekiel gives a chronological order of events from the rebirth of israel to the construction of the third temple which is the end of ezekiel prophecies. Doughty southside christian church december 2014 introduction. We will now consider several of the key passages of ezekiel, centering our attention upon the reflections of christ that occur throughout the book. But im not to sure about some of the other things he says. Study the bible, learn about jesus christ, get christian living advice online. Introduction to the book of ezekiel the church of jesus christ of. The text is believed to have been first written in the sixth century before christ, in the ancient hebrew language. The book of ezekiel is the fourth book of major prophets contained within the old testament of the bible.

The book of ezekiel begins with his famous prophecy of the divine chariot. Ezekiel contains a story flow of prophecy as the book of revelation does. The book discusses the fall of jerusalem in 586 bc and contains many oracles of warning. Ezekiel was a priest who was among the jewish captives carried away to babylon by king nebuchadnezzar in approximately 597 b. The majority of these quotations and references are taken from the book of isaiah, but they range over the entire corpus of jewish writings. The books of the old testament contain many passages about the messiah all prophecies jesus christ fulfilled. One of the first claims in the new testament that isaiah 53 is a prophecy of jesus comes from the book of acts chapter 8 verses 2636, which describes a scene in which god commands philip the apostle to approach an ethiopian eunuch who is sitting in a chariot, reading aloud to himself from the book of isaiah.

Israel restoration prophesied by ezekiel was to be physical then followed by spiritual. Many passages in the book relate to the endtimes prophesied in revelation. So, lets zoom in on one aspect of his message and see how jesus fulfills it perfectly in his coming. Its great news that a new davidic king was coming to shepherd gods people. Moving counterclockwise from the northernmost gate are herods gate, the damascus gate, the new gate, jaffa gate, zion gate, the dung gate, the eastern gate, and the lions gate. In chapter 1 of the book named after ezekiel, god gave the prophet a glimpse of the spirit realm, which serves god in accomplishing his will. This vision took place while israel was in babylonian captivity so sometime between 586 b. Reading and meditating on those prophecies teaches us that our beloved king, jesus christ, deserves our trust, has the legal right to rule, tenderly shepherds us, and will preserve us in a bond of unity that will last forever.

This description of the book of ezekiel is from eastons bible dictionary ezekiel, book of. This seminar series highlights the differences between plan a and plan b. Isaiah was known as the hebrew prophet who predicted the coming of jesus christ. Certainly a beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy happened at christs first coming. Yet, god does not fulfill his prophecies or prophetic warnings in secret, but so all the world can see. But the book of ezekiel along with most of the old testament makes us wonder if humans will ever be the kind of people fit for this king. Ezekiel understood very well that the key to the gathering of israel would be the coming forth of the book of mormon, as jesus explained to the nephites. The prophecies of ezekiel concerning the restoration of. And i will give you a new heart, and a new spirit i will put within you. The prophecies of ezekiel concerning the restoration of israel. Dry bones and the resurrection of the dead ezekiel 37. Best commentaries and books on ezekiel logos bible software. Ezekiel and jesus speak of the drying up of a moist tree.

An extensive introduction helps to orient readers of ezekiel s prophecies to the times, methods, and message of the prophet and to the special literary features of the book. Load the baggage on your shoulder in their sight and carry it out in the dark. A commentary on the book of ezekiel by pastor galen l. But as in ezekiels vision, the physical resurrection precedes the spiritual. Read the prophecies of ezekiel concerning the restoration of israel from christian radio ministry watchman radio hour with alex dodson. Book of ezekiel i think he is being honest about this book of the bible, i dont think it will ever come to pass. Types and shadows in ezekiel jesus is the son of man. If the altar steps faced to the east and it was referring to the cross, the cross would have faced eastward.

Both the bible and the book of mormon were in the process of being prepared by god during ezekiel s ministry as major instruments to gather his people back to himself. The babylonians had invaded judah three times and each time they took prisoners back to babylon. Old testament messianic prophecies quoted in the new. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols i will cleanse you. The priest ezekiel was the first prophet to be called by the lord outside of israel during the babylonian captivity. Ezekiel ministered during judahs seventy years of captivity by the babylonians.

In the first half of the book ezekiel s visions are of the near destruction of israel and jerusalem, while the second half of the book is about the future. Ezekiel uses visions, prophecies, parables, signs and symbols to proclaim and dramatize the message of god to his exiled people. Thirty was the age when priests commenced their office, so it was a. After all, it wasnt only the kings that sent israel into exile. The old testament is filled with prophecies here are of the most well known bible prophecies about jesus and the end times. Ezekiel s commission would last for some 22 years and involve some challenging assignments. For most, ezekiels message is a mystery, but you can understand gods message for. In judaism, christianity, and islam, ezekiel is acknowledged as a hebrew prophet. There came a great shaking, and the bones began to come together. In chapter 33, a messenger came and gave the news that jerusalem had been destroyed.

In no other book is this pattern clearer than in ezekiel see outline. The prophecies of ezekiel point to a time when the people of israel would serve david, their king. Many prophetic expositors try to apply the prophecies included in ezekiel to the end time. Yahweh brought ezekiel out in his spirit to a valley of dry bones 37. The new testament church was begun by the descendants of those who heard this prophecy of ezekiel the first time. The prophet ezekiel is the author of the book ezekiel 1. Ezekiel 37 is a famous passage that records ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones. Ezekiel is the central protagonist of the book of ezekiel in the hebrew bible. The book of ezekiel is poorly understood and the results are that many people have been led to believe things about ezekiel that have nothing to do with the intended meaning. A messianic prophecy ezekiel contains the most references to the term son of man an examination of the comparison above shows that the son of man also experienced this sequence of events on the cross. Most popular bible verses in ezekiel knowing jesus. Ezekiel s gospel message is so comprehensive that its beyond the scope of this blog. This page looks into end time prophecy found in ezekiel 37, often referred to as the valley of dry bones, which focusses on the regathering, revival and restoration of the nation of israel in end times. Properly understood, this mysterious book with its obscure images offers.

Old testament messianic prophecies quoted in the new testament. Book of ezekiel encyclopedia of the bible bible gateway. The book of ezekiel bible prophets and prophecy of the. This book records the messages and ministry of ezekiel, prophet and priest and associate of daniel who was carried from jerusalem to babylon as a young man, there to serve as the watchman on the wall religious leader to the whole house of israel, including those jews still living in the holy city and to the multitudes of his people already in babylon. The prophet as a sign ezekiel was a prophet to the generation that would see the fulfillment of the prophecies. Understanding what god revealed in this book will help you prepare for the prophetic. After an account of his call to the prophetical office ezekiel 1. Ezekiel 37 is a famous passage that records ezekiel s vision of the valley of dry bones.

This commentary is based upon my personal devotional notes and reflections on the book of ezekiel. God warns iran persia, with russia magog, and a coalition of allies including turkey, libya, and sudan will attack and will invade israel. Ezekiel prophesied and delivered the lords words to the jewish exiles in babylon at about the same time that jeremiah was prophesying in judah and daniel. The three major prophets isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel and zephaniah all have the same basic sequence of messages. God started by showing him an incredible vision of gods traveling throne, with angels with four faces and four wings, and wheels within wheels full of eyes. The book of ezekiel was likely written between 593 and 565 b. Nov 24, 2016 thousands of years ago, ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of god that are intended for our time, now. Second, ezekiel wants us to understand what god is doing. Thousands of years ago, ezekiel recorded warnings and promises of god that are intended for our time, now. The altar of the cross facing to the east would be consistent with what he wrote in ezekiel 43.

Introduction to the book of ezekiel church of jesus christ. The new testament frequently cites jewish scripture to support the claim of the early christians that jesus was the promised jewish messiah, but only a handful. Duguid, niv application commentary nivac, zondervan, 1999, 576 pp. According to jewish tradition, ezekiel did not write his own book, the book of ezekiel, but rather his prophecies were collected and written by the men of the great assembly. The old city of jerusalem is surrounded by a wall containing eight major gates. The book recounts the life and tribulations of the prophet ezekiel. The prophet wastes no time dropping his readers right into the thick of the life and times of judah immediately following the fall of jerusalem. The following will demonstrate the time periods for each prophecy, the meaning of the sin, or iniquity, for israel and for judah, and the fulfillment of these prophecies. Bible prophecy popular fulfilled prophecies signs. Ezekiel prophesied to the the jewish captives in babylon.

Ezekiel was a captive of the babylonians when god called him to be a prophet. It is intended to help you better understand some of the background and issues in ezekiel s prophecy. As for them, whether they listen or notfor they are a rebellious housethey will know that a prophet has been among them. Ezekiel watched as, at the command of the lord god.

Although the bible has been known for some odd imagery, especially within the book of ezekiel, this vision in particular has one of the most bizarre metaphors in all of scripture. The prophecies of ezekiel parallel the prophecies of revelation. The book of ezekiel begins with a bang as the prophet reveals the heavens opening to unveil a vision of god. If this is a prophecy of the book of mormon being written, then why is ezekiel the one doing the writing for mormonism to be correct, the text should have said that ezekiel would write on the stick of ephraim the bible and nephi to write on the stick of manassah the book of mormon. With the city overrun and the temple destroyed, gods people wondered what god was doing, if the promises had failed, if their future was gone. The book of ezekiel is the third of the latter prophets in the tanakh and one of the major prophetic books in the old testament, following isaiah and jeremiah.

Ezekiel the prophet preached to jews of the babylonian captivity from 593 bc to 563 bc, according to the bibles book of ezekiel. Ezekiel prophesied about the judgment of jerusalem and other nations in ezekiel 2. From this point forward, ezekiel s mission is the driving force in his life. Many people puzzle over these twin time prophecies in ezekiel 4. The difference between the two is the perspective of the narrative. Ezekiels prophetic vision of the future temple john w. The prophecy recorded in the book of ezekiel is about the time period after the thousandyearliteral rule of lord jesus christ from the throne of david in jerusalem. Revelation is written from the perspective of the wicked under the same circumstances. Herntrich in his ezechielprobleme held that ezekiel prophesied in pal.

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